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The Best Botanical Cleaning Solutions

Solutions – Personal.

-- While we may all have to
share the same air,
there are some issues
we have to take personally. --


The Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier --

The purifying spectrum of UVX from the sun

Makes the whole room a fresh and safe place - just like after a spring rain!

You won't believe the clean in the air produced by this little piece of technological genius -- with NO MOVING PARTS!
Space Certified Technology(TM)
Turn any room into a sanctuary of fresher, cleaner air. Silent, radiant air purification means there’s no noise, no maintenance, and no filters. Radiant Catalytic Ionization™ (RCI™) gives you state-of-the-art, highly effective technology for reducing smoke, odors, and a broad spectrum of air contaminants.  Part of the Pro-active Environmental Technologies family of technologically advanced products with KleanTouch ProtectionTM, it kills germs on surfaces.

Silent Radiant Active Air Purification. All the freshness of a Summer's rain. All the quiet of a solitary space.

The Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier has zero moving parts, but it can move RCITM
treated air quite well around a room up to 400 SF in size. Small, lightweight, easily transported, and using very little energy, it is perfect for bedside or reading tables or even office desks. Its cool bluish glow can even double as a night light in a child’s room or in the bathroom.

Where's the Fan?

The distribution of the Book Shelf Fanless Air Purifier's air purification properties occurs through a process known as "Brownian Motion", which demonstrates that particles are moved about by the constant motion of smaller molecules. It’s similar to what happens when ink is dropped into water. Add to that the normal air movement inside a room from HVAC systems, convection, and the movement of occupants, and you can see how the Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier works to silently distribute its hydro- peroxides and super oxide ions to safely improve the air in any room.

Easy to Use, Effective Technology  

As easily as you can plug in and turn on a table lamp, you can improve the air in your home. Just place your Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier on a table, shelf, or desk, plug it in, and turn it on. 

Safe oxidants and super oxide ions silently radiate out into the room, eliminating microbials, gases, and odors from the air you breathe. A broad spectrum, high intensity UVX lamp and specially engineered rare metal catalytic matrix continually work together in our exclusive RCI™ process to keep producing those safe oxidants and ions, without the need for fans, filters, or periodic maintenance.

As long as you see the distinctive blue light, you know your Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier is hard at work.

 UVX Light and the Sun
We get a whole lot more than just light from the sun.
By engineering the proper light wavelengths into the RCI™ cell, this technology creates a highly effective system designed to utilize 254 nm hv germicidal UV light. Falling between visible UV light and invisible X-Rays in the light spectrum, UVX makes use of the same oxidation/sterilization and ionizing properties of light as naturally occurring sunlight.

Bookshelf Fanless Active Air Specifications

The Cleansing Power of a Thunderbolt in just 11 watts!
Imagine! The air cleansing power of a thunderbolt in just 11 watts!

Top of Article

PBS Personal Active Air Purifier -- Your very own "Personal Breathng Space"

Mobile Active Air Purifier -- Take your fresh air to go

Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier -- The purifying spectrum of UVX from the sun

Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- The ultimate plug-in

Super Portable Active Air Purifier -- "Fresh. Out of the box."SM

There's More!


What You Need to Know
(A brief Overview of Indoor Air Quality Issues)

Table of Contents
Part 1 -- The Need for What Pro-active Environmental Technologies Does
Part 2 -- Diagnosing the Problem
Part 3 -- Treating the Problem and Preventing a Recurrence

(Specific Fixes to What's Wrong with the Air You Breathe Where You Live and Work)
Personal Solutions
Residential Solutions
Commercial Solutions

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All materials not supplied by manufacturers or others are
Copyright 2005-2014 - breathe-easier.com -- All Rights Reserved

Personal Solutions

PBS Active Air Personal Purifier -- Your very own "Personal Breathing Space"

PBS Personal Active Purifier --
Your very own
"Personal Breathing Space"

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The Mobile Active Air Purifier is a fast track to better air wherever and however you are on the go.

Mobile Active Air Purifier --
Take your fresh air to go

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Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier - For its size and weight, it is undoubtably the most air purifying power you can get without a fan!

Book Shelf Fanless
Active Air Purifier -- The purifying spectrum of UVX from the sun

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Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- Powerful, lightweight, and takes no counter or shelf space!Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- Powerful, lightweight, and takes no counter or shelf space!

Wall Mounted
Active Air Purifier -- The ultimate plug-in

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Super Portable Active Air Room Refresher -- the 2-lb heavyweight champion germ and odor killer!

Super Portable
Active Air
Room Refresher.
"Fresh. Out of the box."

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Residential Solutions

Residential Solutions
Residential Solutions

The journey continues as we explore the pro-active solutions for the environments in which we find ourselves, starting with where we live, protecting those we love.

Commercial Solutions

Commercial Solutions
Commercial Solutions

And then we must explore our options where we work and conduct our business -- not just for our sakes, but also for the sakes of those who come into our places of commerce.