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– What You Need
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Pro-active Environmental Technologies
to do for You –


Part 1 -- The Need for What Pro-active Environmental Technologies Does

A.  The Need for IAQ Services

The Need for Mold Services

It is fairly commonly agreed that periodic medical checkups are beneficial and often life-saving to those who routinely getMedical Evaluation them. The catch is remembering or taking the time to schedule them.

The same holds true for periodic evaluations of the relative sickness or health of a building's interior environment. If nothing is wrong, there is peace of mind which comes from getting a clean bill of health.  If problems are indicated, earlier detection and treatment are always to be preferred and can save more than just time and money.  They can save health and lives.

Unfortunately, as with our own personal health, it is usually not until many find themselves in the middle of a raging problem that they begin to look into issues affecting their indoor environments, and, even then, most are clueless as to the effects those issues may have on the health and safety of the occupants.

1. The Need for Mold Services
Most of the time, the problem which gets the attention is mold, not because it is the primary or most potentially damaging issue (though its dangerous effects are becoming increasingly understood and documented), but because when it gets out of hand it can be both odiferous and visible.  It gets too obvious to ignore.
Headlines: Costly Mold
The presence of mold in a dwelling or building is more than just an unsightly mess or a cleaning nuisance.

And it represents more than the heavy expenses and major inconveniences required to properly remove damaged building materials and treat construction components which have been exposed while giving deference to the needs of the building’s environs as repairs are being effected.

A mold infestation ought never to be taken lightly as it has been shown to not only directly cause numerous health symptoms – from mild irritations to serious long term and sometimes lethal conditions, but it can also so compromise an individual’s immune system to the extent that the person becomes susceptible to any number of other potential health risks, much the same way that someone with AIDS or HIV will more likely become seriously ill or die of some other unrelated form of infection which a normal immune system would routinely handle.
oxygen mask

Toxic black mold lawsuits And this is not to mention the potential damage psychologically and financially from mold and indoor air quality related litigation which has yet to be precisely calibrated. Estimates so far are calling it staggering.

2. The Need for General and Specific IAQ Evaluation Services
Either along with the mold or separate from any mold concerns, there may be issues related to other environmental factors which can run the gamut from inordinate amounts or types of dust and particulates, to the presence of smoke, odors, VOC's, allergens, microbial or viral pathogens, too high or too low a relative humidity, gases -- anything at all which adversely affects the air we need to sustain life.
Asthma Trends by Age Groups
Along with discovering what may be stirring or festering in the air, uncovering the causes is also important.  It stands to reason that whatever is in the air is going to be in somebody's airways.  At some point the body will either rebel or succumb. Either way, it is a problem waiting to happen and can be averted if caught in time.

Without exception, the key to mitigating any of these expensive consequences is early detection, for the longer a mold or indoor air quality problem persists, the more widespread and dangerous it becomes, and the more costly it will be to fix it and those it has affected.

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Overview Topics

Services -- Part 1

A.  The Need for IAQ Services

It's a much-needed checkup for your building and the air you are breathing.


1. The Need for Mold Services

There's more than the appearance or lack of visible mold at stake.  It could be your health and life!


2. The Need for General and Specific IAQ Evaluation Services

What you are breathing is either helping you stay healthy or making you sick.


Services -- Part 2

B. Diagnostics -- Getting to the Source and Extent of the Problem go>>        

1. Visual Mold Inspection

Start with the obvious.  If you can see it, it must be taken away.


2. Surface Sampling

Not every discoloration is mold.  Better know the difference.  Can you tell?


Air Sampling

3. Air Sampling

It's what you can't see in the air  but are still breathing that can be the most harmful.  Here's how to check it out.


a. Active vs. Passive Air Sampling

Two ways to find out what's in the air and which is best.


(1) Passive Air Sampling

Waiting for the contaminates to decide to hit the target on their own.  Nice when it works, but how often is that?


(2) Active Air Sampling

It's about going after what is in the air so you really know what you are dealing with.


b. Two Types of Active Air Samplers

Specific ways to target specific contaminates.


(1) Total Particulates

Getting a count of everything that wants to go into your airways.


(2) Viable Colony Count

Besides being just downright obnoxious, how likely is what you are breathing going to cause an infestation or an infection?


4. Minimally Invasive Boroscope® Inspection

This is a chance to see what is going on inside wall cavities and other out-of-sight places.


5. Moisture Detection

Mold and pathogens, like us, need moisture.  Are we giving them an opportunity to thrive?


Services -- Part 3

C. Correctives

Knowing what is wrong is only part  of the battle.  Now let's explore our options for fixing the problem.


D. Abatement

When we talk about getting rid of mold, what are we really talking about?


1. Notice.

Venture into the Mold Zone only with extreme care and protective measures.


2. The Options

Is there only one way to proceed, and if there are alternatives, what are they and how effective can they be?


a. Standard ("Conventional") Protocol

-- Ox cart technology in a space age world.


(1) The Procedures of Conventional Protocol

If we are going to use yesterday's technology, let's at least do it the right way.


(2) The Prerequisites for Conventional Protocol

There are certain things that must be done FIRST before going after mold in the conventional way.


b. Superior Protocol 

Introduction to "BATT" (Best Available Today's Technology) 
For Mold, Odor, and Microbial Abatement.


E. Mold Prevention and Indoor Air Quality Programs

It's one thing to get rid of an existing problem, but do we want a repeat appearance?
