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The Best Botanical Cleaning Solutions

Solutions – Personal.

-- While we may all have to
share the same air,
there are some issues
we have to take personally. --


PBS Personal Active Air Purifier

-- Your very own Personal Breathing Space!

Everybody needs a pal. Especially one who helps you breathe better air.

Everybody needs a friend. But this liitle pal has more than your back.  He has your Personal Breathing Space. The PBS Personal Active Air Purification
is about as personal as you can get.

But don't let its little size fool you!
What it does is HUGE!!!

Stuck next to a smoker? Bothered by someone’s perfume? Bummed out by your niece’s cat? If youThe PBS Active Air Personal Purifier fits conveniently around the neck and travels with you wherever you go.The PBS Active Air Personal Purifier comes in four stylish colors: Pearl, Fuschia, Graphite, and Clear. want to “breathe a little easier” on the go, always team up with the PBS Personal Active Air Purifier – the smallest RCI™ device we carry. Until you have experienced it for yourself, you will not believe the giant difference this small piece of American made technology can make on your comfort, whether you are in a crowded bus or theater or among the fields and flowers in the country. Worn around the neck in black, ivory, pink, or clear, it does much more than make a fashion statement.

Whether you are sitting, standing, walking, or jogging*, concentrations of things like cigarette and cigar smoke, pet dander, pollen, dust, mold spores, etc., are broken up and Small enough for a child, large enough for an adult, your PBS Active Air Personal Purifier is a Friend in Needdramatically reduced as a silent wave of generated ions sweeps up around your head carrying away the particulates (and the germs they carry).

At least fifteen peer reviewed studies and an NBC®Dateline-Good Housekeeping® investigation hail its efficacy. It was also featured on an "Oprah" segment where the results were absolutely life changing! (Videos require free QuickTime®video viewer. If not installed, click here.)

It is battery operated so you are free to roam about your air space. Makes a great “ice breaker”, too, ‘cause folks will notice and ask -- especially the clear cased one that lets all the hightech stuff show through. And when they do ask, you can tell them about how much better life out and about is, now that you can breathe easier with your amazing little Active Air Personal Breathing Space Purifier. Then, please give them our website . . . "so we can all breathe a little easier."SM

* The PBS Personal Active Air Purifier is most effective in indoor environments when the wearer is standing or sitting upright. Outdoor conditions or other positions such as lying down will reduce or eliminate the benefits of wearing it.

Some people would not dream of flying without their PBS Active Air Personal Purifier.

Never travel alone again.  Always go with the little pal who creates your Personal Breathing Space.

Imagine flying on an airplane and NOT worrying about what everyone else is putting into the air!

Look at all you're missing with a PBS Active Air Personal Purifer.

Look at what you don't get with your own 
PBS Personal Active Air Purifier!

The Exclusion Zone

PBS Active Air Personal Purifier generates an intense electrostatic ion wind that charges floating particles in the “breathing zone.” The particles are then substantially repelled away from the wearer, creating an almost particle-free “exclusion zone” for toxic allergens, smoke, dust, viruses, and bacteria in the breathing area. Perfumes and odors can also be minimized by the ion particle-charging-effect.

Once the 
PBS Active Air Personal Purifier charges the floating particles in the “breathing zone,” the charged particles repel each other, adhere onto close surfaces, and are thereby rendered inert. This well-known phenomenon of particle physics results in substantially decreased concentrations of allergens, irritants, pollutants, and pathogens in the air that you breathe and that come into contact with your eyes.**

What It Does . . .

The PBS Active Air Personal Purifier treats the air that people breathe, making it cleaner and safer, substantially reducing the concentrations of airborne particles (molds, viruses, bacteria, pollens, etc.) in one's breathing zone - thereby significantly decreasing the probability that these particles will be inhaled and as a result will reduce the risk of adverse health effects.

What It Does Not Do...

PBS Active Air Personal Purifier neither treats or cures people of any disease nor is it a medical device. It treats the air people breathe, helping make it fresher and safer by substantially reducing the inhalation risk of irritating or toxic particles.

No matter where you are, having fresh or freshened air can mean the difference between enjoying yourself and being uncomfortable. Whether you’re traveling on an airplane or standing in line at the bank, you’ll almost always find yourself assaulted by dust, smoke, odors, or perfume. Then of course, there’s always the things you don’t know about: germs, mildew, pollen, and a host of other allergens.

And even though not everyone else understands the need for having quality air, you don’t have to be concerned. With your own  
PBS Active Air Personal Purifier along, you’ll feel confident that when you leave home, the air you breathe will be safer and more enjoyable.

Corona Discharge in the PBS Personal Active Air Purifier
The Corona Discharge in the
PBS Active Air Personal Purifier
creates a purifiying stream of ions
without  a fan or any moving parts!
Relative Particle Sizes

Most viruses and bacteria measure between 0.04 and 3 microns in size. The technology in the PBS Active Air Personal Purifier has been confirmed by world authorities in health-related aerosol studies to significantly reduce particles in the 0.04 to 3 micron range. Add to that the substantial inhalation risk reductions which have been confirmed under strict laboratory conditions in confined spaces (aircraft cabin simulations), and large test calibration chambers (rooms), and you begin to see how effective the 
PBS Active Air Personal Purifier can be. Most germs, smoke, dust, allergens, odors, molds, perfumes, and pollen are repelled away from you and your breathing zone, giving you cleaner, fresher air to breathe - wherever you may be.*

Other types of personal purifiers, such as electrostatic precipitators, require airflow through themselves and protect only those who are downstream from the units. 
PBS Active Air Personal ionic purifiers cleanse the surrounding air in all directions, providing more complete protection for the wearer. In addition, this proprietary ion technology requires no fan, no filter, and no maintenance, which makes Fresh Air Buddy so small and convenient that it can be worn comfortably and taken almost anywhere.

The incredibly easy-to-use, maintenance-free PBS Active Air
Personal Purifier is available today from Pro-active Environmental Technologies. Order yours now and see how a PBS Active Air Personal Purifier can improve the quality of the air you breathe, no matter where you go.

Top of Article

PBS Personal Active Air Purifier -- Your very own "Personal Breathing Space"

Mobile Active Air Purifier -- Take your fresh air to go

Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier -- The purifying spectrum of UVX from the sun

Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- The ultimate plug-in

Super Portable Active Air Purifier -- "Fresh. Out of the box."SM

There's More!


What You Need to Know
(A brief Overview of Indoor Air Quality Issues)

Table of Contents
Part 1 -- The Need for What Pro-active Environmental Technologies Does
Part 2 -- Diagnosing the Problem
Part 3 -- Treating the Problem and Preventing a Recurrence

(Specific Fixes to What's Wrong with the Air You Breathe Where You Live and Work)
Personal Solutions
Residential Solutions
Commercial Solutions

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All materials not supplied by manufacturers or others are
Copyright 2005-2014 - breathe-easier.com -- All Rights Reserved

Personal Solutions

PBS Active Air Personal Purifier -- Your very own "Personal Breathing Space"

PBS Personal Active Air Purifier --
Your very own
"Personal Breathing Space"

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The Mobile Active Air Purifier is a fast track to better air wherever and however you are on the go.

Mobile Active Air Purifier --
Take your fresh air to go

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Book Shelf Fanless Active Air Purifier - For its size and weight, it is undoubtably the most air purifying power you can get without a fan!

Book Shelf Fanless
Active Air Purifier -- The purifying spectrum of UVX from the sun

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Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- Powerful, lightweight, and takes no counter or shelf space!Wall Mounted Active Air Purifier -- Powerful, lightweight, and takes no counter or shelf space!

Wall Mounted
Active Air Purifier --
The ultimate plug-in

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Super Portable Active Air Room Refresher -- the 2-lb heavyweight champion germ and odor killer!

Super Portable
Active Air
Room Refresher
"Fresh. Out of the box."

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Residential Solutions

Residential Solutions
Residential Solutions

The journey continues as we explore the pro-active solutions for the environments in which we find ourselves, starting with where we live, protecting those we love.

Commercial Solutions

Commercial Solutions
Commercial Solutions

And then we must explore our options where we work and conduct our business -- not just for our sakes, but also for the sakes of those who come into our places of commerce.