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Health Care Facilities IAQ Issues Solved!

Solutions – Health Care Facilities.

-- Hospitals and medical facilities are where
people who are sick go to find treatment
in order to get well.

Too often, that from which they sought relief is mild compared to what they contract in those places.

The risks and the realities of cross infections and hybrid pathogens need to stop.  Now.  

And now they can. --

All we have to do is bring the air purification processes on the OUTside into the INside!

Our Hospitals and Nursing Homes

"First, do no harm."  It sounds good when a physician says it as part of the Hippocratic oath. Unfortunately, the hospitals and medical facilities in which they practice make no such promise. And the buildings for treating and curing the sick are making people sick. And dead.
It's deadly.  From the waiting rooms, to the examination rooms, to the triage centers, to the operating theaters, to the nurses' stations, to the patients' rooms, to the kitchen and dining areas, to the closets and storage rooms, to the laundry facilities, to the janitorial centers, and to the morgues, it is everywhere.

The problem is so wide spread that it has been given a name -- "Hospital Acquired Infections" or "HAI".  Both the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have devoted a good deal of copy to it. At last count there were some 2,070,000 articles on a GoogleTM search for it.

And it routinely claims 90,000 to 100,000 lives each year in the United States alone, more than FIVE TIMES the number of fatalities attributed to drunk driving, as horrible, devastating, and preventable as that is.

It is also shocking to know that many states do not have any laws requiring hospitals to report deaths caused by HAI.
Fatal Crashed Car
This is ugly  and deadly.

Sick Bed or Death Bed?
This is more attractive but five times as fatal.
B. It's out of control.  Often times, the infection is one that has mutated and become resistant to all but the most powerful and potentially toxic antibiotics -- or to all of them. For the hapless victim, the news of having MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) or something similar can be a death sentence.
C. Diabetic with MRSA It's devastating.  Besides those who die, millions more get extremely sick, many of whom require monitoring and/or expensive medication for the rest of their lives.  Any monetary settlements, even when they can be awarded, fall woefully short of the actual costs the damaged patients must bear -- to say nothing of the pain, suffering, and lost time and opportunities for them and their loved ones.

Maggots rid diabetic patient of an antibiotic-resistant
infection, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Manchester)
D. It's frightening.  Potentially affected body parts and organs appear to be without limitation. The lists of the diseases HAI represents covers just about the full gamut of every contagion one would never want to get.  It's more than a tragedy. It's more than a scandal.  It is a very real nightmare.
Synonyms and related keywords: hospital-acquired infections, nosocomial infection, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, VRE, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, Pseudomonas, candidiasis, Legionella, respiratory syncytial virus, thrush, Clostridium difficile

Hospital-acquired infections (or health-care–associated infections [HAI]) encompass almost all clinically evident infections that do not originate from patient's original admitting diagnosis. Within hours after admission, a patient's flora begins to acquire characteristics of the surrounding bacterial pool. Most infections that become clinically evident after 48 hours of hospitalization are considered hospital-acquired. Infections that occur after the patient's discharge from the hospital can be considered to have a nosocomial origin if the organisms were acquired during the hospital stay.  [Emphasis added.]

Pathophysiology: Within hours of admission, colonies of hospital strains of bacteria develop in the patient's skin, respiratory tract, and genitourinary tract. Risks factors for the invasion of colonizing pathogens can be categorized into 3 areas: iatrogenic, organizational, and patient related.

  • Iatrogenic risk factors include pathogens that are present on medical personnel hands, invasive procedures (eg, intubation, indwelling vascular lines, urine catheterization), and antibiotic use and prophylaxis.
  • Organizational risk factors include contaminated air-conditioning systems, contaminated water systems, and staffing and physical layout of the facility (eg, nurse-to-patient ratio, open beds close together).
  • Patient risk factors include the severity of illness, underlying immunocompromised state, and length of stay.
  • In the US: Nosocomial infections are estimated to occur in 5% of all acute care hospitalizations. The estimated incidence is more than 2 million cases per year, resulting in an added expenditure in excess of $4.5 billion. The National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention performed a survey from October 1986 to April 1998. They ranked hospital wards according to their association with central-line bloodstream infections. The highest rates of infection occurred in the burn ICU, neonatal ICU, and pediatric ICU.
  • Internationally: HAI impact on the health care systems of developed countries is significant and proportionate to that of the United States.
Mortality/Morbidity: Nosocomial infections are estimated to more than double the mortality and morbidity risks of any admitted patient, and they probably result in about 90,000 deaths a year in the United States.

Sex: No discernible difference in the incidence of HAI between the sexes exists. However, in the neonatal period, low birth weight and male sex (male:female ratio is 1.7:1) are associated with an increased risk of HAI.

Age: Among bacterial HAI, bacteremias and surgical site infections occurred more frequently in infants aged less than 2 months compared with older children. Urinary tract infections, however, were reported more frequently in children aged more than 5 years than in younger children.
From  Emedicine® from WebMD®
Author: Quoc V Nguyen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, New York State Health Department

Full article here.

E. It's mind-numbing. Most of us would be utterly amazed to learn that the standard protocol for indoor air safety in a hospital operating environment only calls for turning the air over four times in an hour!  There is no standard for purity. There appears to be neither mention nor concern for what is inevitably going to be found proliferating in the air -- only that the jumbled amalgamation of toxic nasties get to take a tumble every fifteen minutes.  If one were a germ, where better to hang out than in a hospital sickroom or an operating room?
Operating Room EnvironmentTypical Nurses' Station
How many places can you identify that microbes and viruses can be lurking, waiting for their next victims?  Now think about the fact that there is no mandate to do anything more than just recirculate the air.  Not exchange.  Not purify.  Just recirculate.  So that what goes on in the operating rooms can be what those in the halls, waiting rooms, and patient rooms get to breathe.

F. Florence Nightingale - Notes on Nursing It's predictable.  Back in 1860, almost one and a half centuries ago, Florence Nightingale wrote a book called Notes on Nursing, what it is and what it is not.  Despite her lack of the micro-diagnostic equipment we have today, her powerful observations regarding the causes and cures for disease were absolutely dead on.  She contended way back then that the air in the sickroom needed to be at least as clean as the air out doors. She militated for proper food, decent hygiene and sanitization, and uncontaminated drinking water.  And she would be apoplectic at the attitude of modern medicine which treats virtually all maladies and ailments with some form of a synthetic poison dubbed a prescription pharmaceutical.  While certain legitimate drugs have been a boon, many, if not most, would likely be unnecessary if we followed her wise counsel on the prevention and treatment of what ails us.

Highlights from
Notes on Nursing, what it is and what it is not
by Florence Nightingale
Chapter 1:  Ventilation and Warming

"First rule of nursing, to keep the air within as pure as the air without."

By reading between the lines the reader is asked by Nightingale to compare the difference between a murderer trying to justify his crime by saying that it is alright, to the victim of nursing neglect who often likewise says that everything is alright. And asks are we not all mad for allowing murderers in the form of "musty unaired unsunned room, the scarlet fever which is behind the door, or the fever and hospital gangrene which are stalking among the crowded beds of a hospital" to kill those who are under our care?
Florence Nightingale
"What will they say if it is proved to be true that fully one-half of all the disease we suffer from is occasioned by people sleeping with their windows shut?"

"Even in health people cannot repeatedly breathe air in which they live with impunity, on account of its becoming charged with unwholesome matter from the lungs and skin."

Florence Nightingale Museum Chapter 2: Health of Houses

"There are five essential points in securing the health of houses:
Pure air;
Pure water;
Efficient drainage;

"Badly constructed houses do for the healthy what badly constructed hospitals do for the sick."

"You cannot have the air of the house pure with dung-heaps under the windows."
"There are other ways of having filth inside a house besides having dirt in heaps. Old papered walls of years' standing, dirty carpets, uncleansed furniture, are just as ready sources of impurity to the air as if there were a dung-heap in the basement."

"True nursing ignores infection, except to prevent it. Cleanliness and fresh air from open windows, with unremitting attention to the patient, are the only defense a true nurse either asks or needs."
Excerpts from book taken from here.   Full text of book here or here.    Purchase book as paperback from

Bad Brew
Make a charm to cause powerful trouble, and boil and bubble like a broth of hell.
Double, double toil and trouble,
     Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
from Shakespeare's Macbeth
With the building we have done in the United States since the early 1970's and all the attention to supposedly making our accommodations "energy efficient", we have ignored every principle for decent air and natural recovery Miss Nightingale, among countless others, so well recognized. Instead, we have constructed massive cauldrons of roiling infections “where the sun doesn’t shine” and “the wind doesn’t blow”. And we have done it, according to a writer in the Wall Street Journal "with deadly precision". Opening a window is not only unheard of, but it is also, in many instances, impossible. Contaminated air does not get out.  Good air does not get in.  Yet new pathogens are constantly being introduced, and they all get to interact with one another and infect the unsuspecting and susceptible.

Waiting Room Play Area It is not just a question of, "Who has previously touched  what each successive child is touching?", as important as that is.  

It is a more serious question of, "What is swirling in the air from every source within the facility to which this precious life is being exposed?"  

And the most important question of all is, "What is being done about it?"  

Unfortunately, in most situations, the answer to that question ranges from "not much" to "nothing at all."

Buzz.  Wrong answer.

G. It is preventable. There is a world of difference, a wellness and sickness, life or death difference, between EXCHANGING the air and RECIRCULATING the air.  

With the exchange of air, at the very minimum there is a dilution of the pathogens and contaminates which make us ill.  This limits the number and concentrations of items with which our immune systems must contend and gives us a fighting chance for survival.

With the recirculation of air, there is merely the concentration of those unwanted elements.  If air exchange is impossible and air recirculation is inevitable, then something else needs to be done.  Today.

Fortunately, to help us in that endeavor, there is not only AN answer, there is THE answer which makes good use of the Best Available Today’s Technology (“BATT”) for any environmental concerns needing attention.

Pro-active Environmental Technologies is a vital part of the team which designs workable solutions which take into account, among other things, the added indoor air quality and hygienic issues which invariably arise in an ecosystem as delicate and potentially dangerous as a medical facility.

Wherever we find ourselves,
we need to understand that our ideal situation
is to occupy healthy environments which shelter and support
people and activities

and, at the same time,
make life unbearable for – or at least control –
those elements from which we seek relief.
Nowhere is this more imperative than in our medical facilities. - Footer

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